DRAW OF Rs.40000/- PRIZE BOND (Date 01/06/2016)
DRAW OF Rs.40000/- PRIZE BOND HELD AT LAHORE Draw No. 66th Series: Common Draw Date: 01/06/2016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Prize of Rs. 75,000,000/- 190460 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Prize of Rs.25,000,000/- Each 218395 660391 679301 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1696 Prize(s) of Rs.500,000/- Each 000327 033024 052563 075974 106209 133351 153254 186557 221984 252824 281608 000591 033231 052800 077262 107357 133903 153358 186665 222124 253010 281632 001188 033236 053277 077350 107821 134550 154211 187310 222484 253257 283544 001263 033397 054691 079938 108512 134556 154937 188957 222828 253643 284058 002139 033890 054786 080484 110105 134903 155524 189824 224847 254307 284259 003574 034083 055007 080605 110751 135499 156018 189838 225686 254327 285647 004184 035177 05515...