Twitter Drives Website Traffic

Believe it or not, I actually spent almost four years working in eCommerce, managing the social media and content for a number of niche eCommerce websites, including the company’s flagship site, LabelValue.

What we found was that Twitter worked EXTREMELY well for driving traffic to our website. And, as we all know, more website traffic means more sales.

It was more than just driving website traffic though; Twitter was an opportunity to connect with potential customers and really share ourselves as an authority figure in our space.

Tweeting links to blog posts as well as images with creative ideas of how you could use labels (there are actually a ton of different ways you can use labels, believe it or not) proved to be a great way to provide additional, often unexpected, value for our Twitter followers.

When done for your own eCommerce business, this will not only helps you get more Twitter followers and drive traffic back to your site, but it will also help paint you as an authority figure and resource for great content

Sheena White
