Improve your interview prospects by taking note of these essential tips
Make a good first impression by arriving in plenty of time. Be clear about the journey you need to make to get to the interview nice and early Make sure you clearly understand the requirements of the role you’re applying for. If a job description isn’t available, glean as much information as you can from the advertisement, and try to speak with someone from the company about the role, such as the person organising the interview. The more prepared you are, the less likely you are to get flustered when discussing the details of the role during your interview.Job specification Research Dig out information that gives you a good idea of the company and its business. You’re likely to find all sorts of information by carrying out Internet-based research. Have a look at search engine results, check out the company’s website, take a look at articles in the media, and see what you can find in social media. Don’t be late! Make a good first impression by arriving in plenty of time. Be clear about...